Terror beneath our feet and an end to organic food and farming

A license has been granted to sink a fracking well deep into the garden of England in Woodnesborough, Kent and this is about to occur unreported in the media in the very near future. This much publicised method of extracting shale gas has been presented to the public in a highly deceptive, dishonest and covert manner that is designed to serve profit over health and well being on a national scale. Essentially Kent already has a critical low level of natural water, so where the 4 million gallons can come from each time the well is fracked, can only be by road. In the interim we have a short window of time before fracking starts in earnest in the UK and then it will be far harder if not impossible to stop it. There has never been such a severe and irretrievable eco threat to these green and pleasant lands as this and as ridiculous as it might sound, takes us one step nearer to having to pay for fresh air, clean soil and clean water. Please read this carefully and research it for yourself and for your sake and for the sake of your children, fight to oppose it every step of the way.

In East Sussex a license has been granted to conduct fracking just outside the village of Balcombe and the powers to be ostensibly offer the voting public an opportunity to submit any objection through an on-line form which is deliberately evasive, poorly designed and deliberately difficult to follow but most importantly it is also void of the simple function 'Submit' which is only discovered after ages of dogged pursuance of the forms obstructiveness. However they do offer an opportunity to submit opposition by e-mail and I strenuously urge everyone to do so a.s.a.p. Before the 16th July That address is PSCpublicresponse@environment-agency.gov.uk

One of the ways they are bringing this in or trying to is by not giving anyone a real chance to respond and rushing it through at the last minute thus avoiding protests from local residents. Further example of national obstruction and denial of individual rights can be demonstrated by the mysterious crashing of Ian R Cranes website. Ian has spent 25 years in the Oilfield industry as a executive - that extends the information in great detail, and even a facebook site has strangely vanished of (Brian Monk). Brian Monk shows how fracking has caused water, air and soil pollution on his farm in Australia and local community. Even individual 'time-line' inserts are being deleted from personal face book files. Meantime individuals strive with great urgency to distribute awareness such as Vanessa Vine 'No Fracking in East Kent'

On the surface the National government have cleverly concealed open debate on the subject and presented it in the media as if it were a glorious salvation of untapped power resources to the benefit of the community. Meanwhile the denial of democratic expression to oppose this has been concealed in a bill awaiting clearance in parliament that is ostensibly aimed to give local business a better deal but like a Trojan horse conceals its true purpose; to allow local opposition to be largely overruled, moreover, the companies it is allegedly aimed at helping, primarily Cuadrilla and Coastal in this country are protected by a legal loophole called the 'Halliburton Loophole' which exempts huge corporations from having to divulge if the water supply has become polluted because of fracking, thus there is no 'proven case' of pollution and contamination by the fracking process. In America Act 13 effectively gags doctors from informing when they consider that any of their patients have been made ill by the fracking process.  It has just been learnt that tax breaks are to be awarded to the frackers and red tape lifted to spead things through.

In the United Kingdom, specifically Blackpool there were two measurable earthquakes from just two fracks; in truth there were 90 much smaller ones that occurred but were not reported and as a result properties within the area are uninsurable and unsaleable. Last February, after the two fracks massive volumes of toxic polluted water was dumped into the Manchester Ship Canal. As for the balance underground, it is shown that it enters more porous rock and from there into the water supply as has happened in America, Australia and Poland. In the toxic water there are carcinogenic toxic chemicals and heavy metals and drilling companies will not tell you the full list. Radioactive material is also coming to the surface from the depths due to the drilling.

This assault on the very soil beneath our feet has already proved disastrous in the United States, Poland and Australia, yet profits at the cost of citizens health guides both our government and vested interests without conscience. Shale gas will be extracted from under our very feet by drilling to the depths of layered geology, diverting the drill to follow natural hardened strata and then insert under immense pressure a water laced with toxic chemicals designed to splinter geological levels and release natural shale gas that lays dormant and untapped in the depths of Mother Earth.

It is aimed to drill 800 wells in 64% of the UK, which will be the first time this obscenity will have been conducted in such a densely populated country and bearing in mind that it has made whole regions of the United States and Australia uninhabitable this is a terrifying prospect for the UK. Every single well requires 400 huge vehicles going in and out carrying huge amounts of water and heavy drilling machinery with each frack of the well requiring approximately 4 million gallons of fresh water, added to which is 5%, of highly toxic chemicals and radioactive sand (silica) to break up the geology; and of the greatly reduced water that returns to the surface where there is the clever plan to feed it our livestock and water our agricultural acreage. Only 30 to 50% max., of this water comes back up to the surface anyway and it is estimated it will be allowed to seep into the water table level over 25 years. What a clever idea to introduce it to the food chain and thus deplete its immediate effect until digestions and public health reap the reward. Meantime there is no viable plan to store residue toxic water that is virtually unrecyclable.

Profiteers are about to launch the most threatening and devastating deception on the population of the United Kingdom with their quest for continued profits from fossil fuels that could so easily have been replaced by more eco friendly energy as far back as the 1940's and they are doing this by outright lies, deceptive tactics and by stealth. The principle company to benefit that will conduct the drilling is Cuadrilla with 30 % being owned by Lord John Brown who presided over BP as it rose in fiscal prominence with an unsurpassed history of accident and injury that is thus far unequaled. Meantime this greedy capitalist revels in his own quote of 'profit over everything else'.

Our government claims this is simply gaining access to natural resources akin to that of wind farms that blight our countryside, add immense profits to the landowners and offer a power source that is far from economic and a long way from adequate to need. In this instance handsome returns for access to land is greatly compensated by the wandering pipes that extend geologically to a far wider area than visible above ground. Corrupt MP's with vested interest in this stand to make millions.

Remember; They do not need permission to go under your property see DVD available on the internet 'Split Estate & Gasland'

Please spread this as far as you can.

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It is my belief the psycho Government that allows this believe their own lies. Their mentality seems obsessed with destroying our planet from above (Chem-trails) and below (fracking) for short term profit.

I don't know of any time in modern history when this country has NOT been in a crisis, be it war or economics. Apart from real natural disasters all the rest are artificial and used to enslave people. 

It's strange that windmills (medieval technology) are strategically placed within sight of roads and next to railways lines, where the trains have to slow down. It is rumored the windmills have electric motors in them as the rotors continue to turn on very still days! I believe they are there to register on our psyche to give the impression there is a real energy crisis when there isn't.

Fracking is one more excuse for a minority in the oil industry to make even more money when free energy is available and there is no such thing as an energy crisis. It's on a par to global warming - it's a manufactured crisis that doesn't exist and is really to do with robbing us.  Most psycho's are devoid of common sense - simply look at the government, they are frighteningly thick.

When you think of the cold war when we were at the brink of blowing ourselves up, it made no sense whatsoever. Most of what governments do makes no sense until studying the psychopath mindset! They are obsessed with destruction and control, in doing so they are continuously bringing humanity to the brink of extinction. The lunatics continue to run the asylum and will continue to until humanity wakes up!



Was channel hopping the other evening and accidentally stumbled onto the BBC Question Time. Not having a sick bag nearby I promptly changed channels and eventually gave up and switched off. Within the short time I saw question time it became apparent there was something seriously mentally wrong with the MP's that made up the panel. I never usually watch terrestrial TV, nowadays Richard D Hall's Richplanet on satellite is the only programme worth watching. Sadly Edge media is no more. I hadn't previously seen BBC's Question Time for about ten years or more and looking at it now I look at it with fresh eyes. Most people watching that programme are unaware how deranged the politicians are and how contrived it is, I think they simply accept it. That is what I find most frightening, people are so browbeaten they accept almost anything. That is how they are managing to get away with fracking.  

We have had to endure years of deception and fraud with dishonesty and profiteering as the prime motives behind respective political parties, worse still is that there is no difference bewteen them and I fear even Nigel Farage seems okay with 'fracking' and that makes me uneasy. I agree totally about Richplanet, lets hope some new programmes come along

Sadly I feel political parties in the public eye are financed/controlled by the banking elite. According to David Noakes UKIP is financed by the EU! They are controlled opposition in much the same way as the EDL are allegedly financed and run by MI5! 

The EDL's actions are given headline news in order to deliberately stir up race hate. It is almost too blatant! To a seasoned false flag observer they have all the tell tale signs. 

To me, voting is a waste of time. I wouldn't vote even if they put a polling booth outside my front door! It is my belief that political parties are glove puppets, rather like Sooty was to Harry H Corbet! Children believed Sooty was real in much the same way as the populous believe political parties are real; they are anything but!   

No political party mentions anything about printing debt free currency (The Bradbury) and telling the IMF to go to hell! That is proof of how controlled they are. Sadly I fear Fracking will go ahead and create a myriad of problems. That will then open the way for private corporations to make even more money trying to clear up the mess. It's the usual case of Problem, Reaction Solution!  Create a problem that didn't exist, get a controlled public reaction, then offer a profitable solution for a minority to get even richer. 

Governments haven't cared less about this country in the past, why should they give a damn now when there is money to be made! Those in power have their bolt holes, paid for by their banking employees, so provided their ego is boosted and they can get away if/when people start waking up, that is all that matters to them.

What is needed is for someone to gain power outside Westminster and lawfully arrest the entire stinking lot of them, along with corrupt judges and the entire bunch of conspirators operating behind the scenes that have polluted our society. It will be a big job but it is the only way, as I see it, that we can have a true democratic society that simply wouldn't allow Fracking that, in reality, is totally unnecessary considering the abundance of free energy.  

Hi Alan

I hope you didn't mind about me adding a photo to your blog, as I wanted to share it on our Face book page and it gets more attention when there is a photo attached.

Great blog, this information needs getting shared everywhere. I also added quite a few relevant tags to this, so hopefully it will now get a lot more views.

Glad to have you aboard :-)

I fear I am a firm believer in voting albeit, until I bacme disabled I made a point of going to a polling station and kicking up a fuss about teh following information, often resulting in being escorted out.


I will be expanding upon this in a new article soon.



A voter might observe that in giving their electoral role number upon arrival at a polling station will result in a cheque like wallet being offered and a stub torn out which offers various options of choice and candidate.

That piece of paper will leave behind a stub just like a cheque book that will have your electoral role number written on by hand, and just a like a cheque book the voting slip, with the same number will be given its democratic X and be entered into the black box.

From that point every individuals vote can be checked against the remaining stub by someone??? at their leisure.

Chris said:

Sadly I feel political parties in the public eye are financed/controlled by the banking elite. According to David Noakes UKIP is financed by the EU! They are controlled opposition in much the same way as the EDL are allegedly financed and run by MI5! 

The EDL's actions are given headline news in order to deliberately stir up race hate. It is almost too blatant! To a seasoned false flag observer they have all the tell tale signs. 

To me, voting is a waste of time. I wouldn't vote even if they put a polling booth outside my front door! It is my belief that political parties are glove puppets, rather like Sooty was to Harry H Corbet! Children believed Sooty was real in much the same way as the populous believe political parties are real; they are anything but!   

No political party mentions anything about printing debt free currency (The Bradbury) and telling the IMF to go to hell! That is proof of how controlled they are. Sadly I fear Fracking will go ahead and create a myriad of problems. That will then open the way for private corporations to make even more money trying to clear up the mess. It's the usual case of Problem, Reaction Solution!  Create a problem that didn't exist, get a controlled public reaction, then offer a profitable solution for a minority to get even richer. 

Governments haven't cared less about this country in the past, why should they give a damn now when there is money to be made! Those in power have their bolt holes, paid for by their banking employees, so provided their ego is boosted and they can get away if/when people start waking up, that is all that matters to them.

What is needed is for someone to gain power outside Westminster and lawfully arrest the entire stinking lot of them, along with corrupt judges and the entire bunch of conspirators operating behind the scenes that have polluted our society. It will be a big job but it is the only way, as I see it, that we can have a true democratic society that simply wouldn't allow Fracking that, in reality, is totally unnecessary considering the abundance of free energy.  

Please add anything of value. 

My partner has two DVD's she is willing to bring to groups of freinds and neighbours if you are interested, they include 'Gasland' and Ian Cranes 'Fracktured Britain. If interested please drop me a line.


Deborah Williams said:

Hi Alan

I hope you didn't mind about me adding a photo to your blog, as I wanted to share it on our Face book page and it gets more attention when there is a photo attached.

Great blog, this information needs getting shared everywhere. I also added quite a few relevant tags to this, so hopefully it will now get a lot more views.

Glad to have you aboard :-)

Hi Alan

We are holding a film night this Saturday and you and your wife are more than welcome to come along. You can bring some DVD's with you. I am sure many of our members would be interested.

Here is the link


Thans for the invite Deborah but I fear I am disabled with much restriction of personal movement. Howqever my partner has asked me to pass on her willingness to come anywhere in Kent to show the 'gasland dvd or the lecture of Ian R crane, so please could you bear that in mind.

Thank you,


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